We must turn to one another and harvest the skills and resources we have between us.
XR Derby is run by volunteers. Many of us have full time jobs and family commitments. So we’re always grateful for people who want to help out with the behind the scenes stuff.
Extinction Rebellion is not a hierarchical organisation. Nobody is in charge or a leader and power is decentralised. We use a self-organising system (SOS) and work within teams called circles. If you have an idea to share or want to shape the future strategy of XR, then join a circle and help with the organising of projects.
The work of the circles is being updated as our group evolves and grows. Everyone’s input is important and the more people join our circles, the more things we can accomplish.
Email saying which circles you’re interested in. If the circle has their own email address it will be listed below and it’s best to email those ones directly.
Action & Logistics Circle
This circle helps to coordinate peaceful, non-violent actions, protests and marches for climate action that align with the XR principles and values. A&L members come up with action ideas, handles logistics, liaises with the other circles for support and ensure everyone attending is informed, safe and prepared.
Arts Circle
The arts circle makes sure all our protests look beautiful. Members make banners, placards, masks, costumes, decorations and pieces of art. We run printing stalls at events with eco-friendly inks and hand-made printing blocks where we encourage people to bring their own old clothing to print on. The arts circle also has a samba band and a singing group that meets regularly to practice. Check out the events page for upcoming music practice sessions and craft sessions. This video about XR arts, is really inspiring.
Events and Hosting Circle
The events group organises our regular XR Derby meetings, logistics for training events and socials. In 2020 we’re planning two big benefit gigs and a camping weekend. Much of our events are moving online during the virus crisis so stay tuned to our events page.
Fundraising and Finance Circle
We handle the bookkeeping and ensure donations are accounted for and that bills such as venue hire and website hosting are paid for. We also run fundraisers for donations. If you have an idea for a fundraising event, we’d love to hear from you. Just keep in mind that the Extinction Rebellion logo cannot be used for any commercial purposes
Lobbying and Advocacy Circle
This circle coordinates campaigns for climate and ecological action. This includes contacting local counsellors or members of parliament, writing to businesses, starting petitions, researching and fact-checking and much more.
Please email
Media & Messaging Circle
We handle XR Derby’s social media, website and newsletter where we share news, events and tell the truth about the severity of the climate and ecological emergency. The media and messaging circle needs writers, proof-readers, photographers, videographers, live streamers and people who happy to speak to the press. If you are a member of the press, feel free to contact us too.
Outreach, Training and Diversity Circle
This circle helps to grow membership, through talks, stalls, attending community group meetings and other events. We want a more inclusive XR Derby, representing a cross-section of society, and this team is actively working towards this.
Regenerative Culture Circle
Society is hard on many people, and many of us are under stress simply through living normal lives in a world which can seem uncaring. Extinction Rebellion wants to help create a kinder society for all, starting by supporting our own members! Regen Circle is helping to bring this about by providing healing events for our people to attend, helping people deal with difficult emotions like our grief for the planet, and providing emotional support for members who are going to be or who have been on actions. See FAQ for more.
Please email
Self-Organising-System Circle
Many people feel that, despite living in a democratic country, our voices are not heard. In XR, we want to make sure all our voices are heard. We use a system called SOS (self-organising systems) and this circle helps XR Derby organise and run smoothly. Here’s a 1 Page Summary of the Self-Organising System
Tech Circle
Maintaining the website, Basecamp and other I.T. systems with XR Derby. The tech circle also offers support, advice and training to XR members to ensure we all communicate and work together effectively.
and finally…
XR Derby Coordination Circle (Anchor Circle)
XR Derby is coordinated by the Anchor Circle, which is made up of one person from each circle. They represent their respective circles. See the SOS diagram below to see how XR Derby operates.
There are other roles and teams being developed as the group grows. We will continue to update this page as the self-organising system develops. Come to our meetings to help influence this!
Next Step
Email saying which of these circles interests you, or contact them directly if they have a direct email address.
or come to an event and have a chat in person.
If you’re unsure, say what you would like to help with and we’ll put you in touch with the right people. This article on playing to your strengths may help if you are undecided: What You Do + Climate Change = Activism by Dan Rubin, PsyD
Thank you!!
How we organise ourselves
To make our local group more democratic and decentralised, we are using a structure called the self-organising system. It is a series of linked autonomous circles of people each with their own mandate. The mandate is a written purpose and list of functions. Circles have mandates and roles within each group have mandates. This avoids the need for top down direction. So join a circle as above and get to meet them. The Self-Organising System or SOS is a work-in-progress with many roles to be filled so please help us out with what time you can spare.
Here is a diagram which shows how the circles listed above fit together.
- External coordinators represent each circle in the coordination / anchor circle.
- The external coordinator(s) of the coordination/ anchor circle represents XR Derby in regional and national XR groups
- Here’s a 1 Page Summary the Self-Organising System
We’re in a Climate and Ecological Emergency and it is vital for communities to connect and rebel for life. The time to act is now!