Plenty to get involved in both locally and across the region so here’s an update on:
- Regional protests
- Derby campaigns to sign and share
- Upcoming XR Derby events
Regional Protests
It makes a massive difference when events are swelled by extra rebels from other areas and this is returned when we hold protests in Derby. See Upcoming Events below for training.
Here are some neighbouring network actions that folks could go along and join in with:
Sheffield City Council – Stop Wasting Our Time! – Sheffield 5/2/2020
XR Against Manchester Airport Expansion – Manchester 13/2/2020
More regional events as they are announced on the XR Midlands Facebook page:
We work hard to include people not on Facebook so if you can’t access these please email us and ask us to send you the details.
And if you are wondering what’s coming, there will be “UK-level coordinated actions targeting the People’s Demand” in Spring. More information here:
Derby campaigns to sign and share
Did you know that HUNDREDS of trees in Derby’s Markeaton Park will be cut down…just to make more space for even more traffic? Even though Central Government and Derby city council have declared a climate emergency and air pollution levels in Derby are already dangerously high?
Consider the long term implications for climate change, and reconsider the felling of a hundred trees in Markeaton Park.
Consider the chaos which will be caused in neighbouring areas during the 4 years of construction, and the implications for local air quality.
If you have friends who need reminding that expanding roads just fill up again with congestion then try sharing this article from Wired.
Please sign and share this petition if you agree with this petition.
City Centre Wildlife Site in Danger
In the sidings of the former Friargate station a wildlife haven has developed untouched over the last 50-60 years. It is home to an extraordinary range of rare and/or endangered insects and home to over 20 species of butterfly, 2 nationally scarce moths, and plants not normally seen in city centres. It is also believed to be a good site for bats, feasting on the large source of flying insects.
All the information that is available has been meticulously recorded on casual visits over the years by two local renowned naturalists.
This amazing wildlife site is under threat of destruction due to the constuction of the Cathedral School, but it would only take an adjustment of the building plans to save this treasure to the benefit of us all!
In an age where our natural environment is in crisis and we’re losing species at an unprecedented rate, unique areas of established biodiversity must be protected. Urgent help is needed!
Please write to Sara Claxton, Planning Officer in support of the protection of this special site at:
It’s essential to remember to state that you would like your comment(s) added to the application documentation and to include the application number: 19/00631/FUL
Please also consider writing to your councillors, friends, family, whoever, encouraging their support too!
Deluging the council with comments causes disruption and raises awareness of a local ecological emergency.
More information on this threatened wildlife site can be seen on this open Facebook group with photos.
Upcoming XR Derby events
More details of the following events are on our website’s EVENTS PAGE:
See our website’s EVENTS PAGE for more events.
XR Nottingham Community and Training Weekend
Check out more info on this training weekend in Nottingham.
For other community-building events see Derby People’s Diary or use it to add your own.
If you can’t come to anything in person here a few things you can do including from home.
Pass it on
Please email the web address of this page to people who might be interested. They can sign up for future updates here
Please share our posts on social media. The tide is turning and you can help. Links to our social media are below.